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A test drive should be harder than the daily use of motorcyclists. At the same time it should be realistic and be done in similar conditions to future owners.


Everyone loves road tests in exotic countries or on legendary race tracks. However, few of us will have the opportunity to ride in these almost perfect conditions!


Buying a motorcycle is a luxury for many and regretting buying it can be painful for morale as well as for the wallet.

This is why the Knuckle Challenge is helping future buyers by evaluating, in an honest and realistic manner, the various motorcycles available on the market.


The aim of the original Challenge was to highlight and demystify smaller engines (500cc or less). To show that they were capable of great things at a reasonable price.


With short motorcycle seasons and the cost related to our passion, this motorcycle segment is a great gateway. It also helps keep many motorcyclists active on our roads.


It is for this reason that we decided, from 2020, to open the Challenge to larger displacement motorcycle. In addition, many of you had shown an interest in the Challenge on all motorcycle segments.


At Knuckle, we want to increase the number of motorcyclists on our roads exponentially. We firmly believe that the Challenge can help our industry in a positive and effective way to achieve this goal.


What happens if a motorcycle fails the Challenge?

Good question!


It’s a safe bet that not all motorcycles can complete the Challenge for a multitude of reasons. Varying from temperature, driving position, suspension or even fatigue, failure to complete the 1000km is very possible.


However, it does not take anything away from the bike to fail the Challenge. Only to get the facts about the strengths and weaknesses of each model.


Being aware of the real potential and limits of your motorcycle is an important asset and allows you to make an informed and reasonable choice.

With a day of more than 15 hours on the bike, covering 1000 km on our different roads, the Challenge is the new best approach to road tests. As much for vendors as motorcyclists, it is an additional help to better know your next motorcycle.


You would be surprise what we can learn about a motorcycle after 1000km!


For more information on the Challenge, I invite you to contact us!


Happy riding season to all.


Jean-Sébastien Mackay
Knuckle HQ





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