june, 2024

2024sat01jun9:00 amsat5:00 pmBobcaygeon Bikefest 2024Bobcaygeon, OnBobcaygeon Bikefest9:00 am - 5:00 pm CategoryEvent,Show

Event Details

Exciting News: Bike Fest Bobcaygeon is ON!

After overcoming a series of challenges, we are thrilled to announce that Bike Fest Bobcaygeon will be held on June 1, 2024, from 9 AM to 5 PM. Huge thanks to Kathleen Seymour for her invaluable support in keeping this fantastic event right here in Bobcaygeon.

Join us for a day filled with live music, great vibes, and an amazing community. All vendors are welcome—book your spot now with Colter at the Fallen Riders by calling 209-830-2765.

Let’s make this the best Bike Fest yet! See you there!

Much Love Skully


(Saturday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Bobcaygeon Bikefest

Park St, Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0


  1. Paul Dick

    I’d say traffic control was a mess if there had been any traffic control at all. I sat behind a line of vehicles on Canal St. West for 25 minutes trying to make a left onto the bridge. Next time, two volunteers with stop signs and walkie talkies at each end of the bridge would make a world of difference.

  2. Craig Fitzgerald

    Great job with advertising, I haven’t missed this in years and had no idea that it was on yesterday. Shame on your organization committee for the poor advertising!

    • Knuckle

      Our understanding is that this event was “Officially a go” only about a week before. We’ve added this event on our calendar on May 24th. We suggest that you visit our website often as we update both our calendars on a daily basis. Have a great summer and ride safe!

    • Brian Wm. Burnett

      Yeah just found out a day late about this event.
      I have attended EVERY year it has been held since its inception.
      Not impressed with the advertising

  3. Mike

    Oh too bad 😞. I was just searching to see when this event would be held and just learned it was on June 1. Same day the Highway of Heroes Ride was held. Hope you had a great turnout, hope to go next year, ive been coming to bikefest since 2016.


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