may, 2025

2025sat10may10:00 amsat2:00 pm4th Blessing of the Bikes - Guardians of the Children TorontoConcord, ONPfaff Harley-Davidson10:00 am - 2:00 pm CategoryBlessing,Event

Event Details

We thank Pfaff Harley-Davidson for hosting this event for us.

We welcome you all to join our 4th Blessing of the Bikes all walks of life and faith.

Skid will doing our Blessing we are truly grateful to him and Bikers for Christ for all the support over the years.

The Blessing of the Bikes is a yearly tradition where a priest blesses motorcycle and bicycle riders to wish them safety for the upcoming season. The event is often held at the beginning of summer in many towns.


(Saturday) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Pfaff Harley-Davidson

8885 Jane St Vaughan, ON, Canada L4K 2M6

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