Knuckle Challenge: 1000km – 1 Day – 500cc or Less
After the last Knuckle Challenge, it was obvious we would do things differently with the BMW G310R. The idea of the Challenge is to test the machine as it should and not risk our safety and it must also be fun, right?
BMW Motorrad Canada not only lent us a brand new bike for the Challenge, but also lent it to us for a period of 3 weeks, which gave us the necessary time and the flexibility to make the 1000km on a day that would be nice and warm everywhere in Quebec! Again, simpler to say than done!
Our BMW was prepared by Gabriel BMW Montreal team, whom we thank for the great service received for the reception and return of the machine.

The second thing that strikes is the driving position, especially the position of the legs. The seat and the foot pegs force our body in a very precise position and mold us to the bike. A sportier feeling than I would have thought and even completely different from the Duke 390 which would be a good comparison. To be confirmed at the Challenge!
The passengers? They appreciated the rear handles and unanimously declared the G310R very comfortable. The difference in height between the driver and the passenger was also mentioned as perfect and less windy compared to another similar model. The comfort of the passengers is a factor not to be neglected if we often have company!

A fact not to be overlooked is the instrumentation, which, compare to the Rebel 500 for example, is much more complete. Everything is there and it is easy to navigate, another nice surprise on this bike.
No matter how fast you ride, the G310R responds well and responds to the many challenges of our roads! The first 250km are almost too easy and I really enjoy discovering this machine. I can already notice that fuel consumption seems even better than expected, despite the use of a higher engine RPM during acceleration … Well yes, she really likes to rev up, but I cannot help but compare with other small engine and force to see that the few HP less are felt a little …

Again, the goal of the small engine is not to compete with the biggest, but in the case of the BMW G310R, a future version closer to the 400cc would be ideal IMHO.
Today, my team is following me this time again and I am very happy. To ride alone by myself on a motorbike often limits me in the things to bring, which for the Challenge, is different from a simple solo trip. Having a tracking vehicle allows not only equipment’s flexibility but is also good for the morale and as you can see in the video, my son likes it a lot despite the long hours of the Challenge.
The Portneuf portion allows us to try the BMW G310R in a sportier way with its fast and winding roads. The landscape is beautiful, and the road is in good condition. What happiness and what a surprise! The ride is super stable, no vibration is felt. The suspension is rather stiff compared to the competitors and offers a very pleasant and balanced experience. When braking before entering a curve, the suspension and steering gives us confidence to take it full speed and in the proper line.
I am very happy to have chosen this day, the temperature helps a lot and I can test the G310R as it should. Arrive at Rivière-à-Pierre, after the first half of the Challenge, a well-deserved stop!

I have a big question mark for the next half… Time will tell, and we continue to Mauricie! Fortunately, the roads are nice, and the temperature is on our side. I am used to riding a long hour and I really like my experience of the G310R. However, the more time passes and the more my appreciation of the day is affected because of my knees.
I make an extra stop after deviating from our route to take a break mainly because of my legs. I am a little disappointed and I still have more than 200km to complete before reaching the 1000km.
It must be admitted that few people will buy a G310R to make 1000km days and those who do, will not do like our Challenge that always takes more than 15 hours. We test Motorcycles in all environments and speeds found in Quebec to represent its qualities and weaknesses.
After more than 18 hours on the road, the Challenge is completed and successful! As mentioned in the Challenge video available (here). There is a warning to give for the BMW G310R, and not surprising if I mention knee fatigue because of the driving position, if you plan to make more than 500km outings in the same day and or outings of more than 8 hours on the bike.

This does not detract from the small BMW which is an exceptional machine, precise and very pleasant to drive. BMW did not cut corners and the G310R has it all. I admit that an additional 5 HP would be welcome. Also, I hope to be able to do the Challenge with the G310GS to compare the 2 models that offers us BMW Motorrad.
For the Challenge, the cost of gas* was $ 49 and a few cents.
I invite you to watch the Challenge video on our YouTube channel (Here) and do not forget to subscribe to it. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We are always open to your comments so do not hesitate.
I would like to thank BMW Motorrad Canada for the new G310R 2019 and their full cooperation.
We wish you a nice end of season and we will be back soon with other Challenges!
Jean-Sébastien Mackay
Knuckle HQ
*Premium Gas between $ 1.40 and $ 1.55 per liter